Creative Studio

Creative Studio



Our visual designer, Weila Designs, and our sound designer, Paul Vela, are available to help your organization create striking and meaningful content across any and all platforms.

Our creatives have vast experience working in a variety of fields. Some notable highlights are:

– Video production, layout & design for internal documents, graphics for web and social media for a government agency

– In collaboration with a production studio, video production for musical artists on YouTube that received up to 185,000+ views

– Infographics and event materials for a not-for-profit health clinic which were featured in local news stories

– Rebranding, including logo and menu redesign, for a local sushi restaurant

Graphic & Web Design

You may have guessed it, ProVision’s own website was created and is maintained by our in-house designer, Weila Designs.

Weila Designs is a versatile designer that specializes in visuals that are clean, bold, and fun. From the minimalist to complex, Weila Designs demonstrates skill and attention in balancing beauty and practicality. In web, our designer focuses on streamlined, responsive, accessible, and logical designs.

Full portfolio linked here.

The following list details our available graphic & web design services, but are not limited to:

Full Branding/Rebranding
Responsive Website UI Design/Redesign
Print Production (Business cards, brochures, pamphlets, flyers, posters, menus, etc.)
Vector Graphics, Infographics,Logos & Icons
Illustrations & Diagrams
ADA Accessible Digital Documents (PDFs)
Presentations (PowerPoint, Prezi, etc.)
Mobile App UI Design

Interested? Use our Contact Form or email us at for pricing.

Sound Design

Our Sound Designer, Paul Vela, has composed, mixed, and edited audio for 10+ years. Focusing on high quality sound that succeeds in conveying specific moods, Paul has worked with multiple independent music artists to elevate their sound and improve the listening experience.

The following list details our available sound design services, but are not limited to:

Music Composing
Audio Production
Mixing/Audio Engineering
Audio Editing

Interested? Use our Contact Form or email us at for pricing.